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As a business owner, becoming personally financially free is not an option, it's a necessity. is a great start, but to really accelerate your path to Financial Freedom, join our exclusive community for Business Owners Only and get access to: 
  • Proven systems, tools and strategies that have built multiple 7-figure companies.
  • – an online community focussed on guiding you away from stress and struggle, towards the financial fast track you deserve and most likely intended to create when you first started in business. 
  • Financially Fit Bootcamp ($997 value) – a proven, comprehensive 12-week online program designed to uncover your money blocks, remove personal money stress and help you create a personal cash surplus you can build upon.
  • Digital copy of Dr. Tony's Best Seller: "How To Cure Money Stress."
  • Get free access to our Cash Flow Cure program ($3,997 value) – a 3-phase, multi-module program designed specifically for business owners like you. This is designed to help you eliminate money stress and build your personal Financial Freedom outside of your business, using a unique advantage only you have - your business model.
"Do whatever you can to learn from these masters!"
Tony & Makaylah are changing the conversation being had about money in massive ways around the world. They've been instrumental in helping shift the way Justin and I think about how we can create our own Financial Freedom and Wealth through our current business model - and they've done the same for many of our students. They are credible, capable, but most importantly - they really care! Do whatever you can to learn from these masters!" 
Callan Rush & Justin Livingston –Founders of Lucrative Luminary Training Inc.
“I highly endorse them and their work"
"Tony & Makaylah are changing the money paradigm for everyone. They share innovative, grounded, practical and inspiring information that you will eagerly use to create brand new ways for money to work with and for you within a foundation of Freedom. Their systems are new and powerful and I highly endorse them and their work."
SARK - Bestselling Author & Artist at
"I’ll never look at or treat my business and finances 
the same way ever again."
“When I heard Tony Pennells speak at a recent event about what true financial freedom is, it was a huge eye opener for me! First, I wanted to cry when I realized the truth about my finances and my financial freedom. It made me wonder how the heck I ever made it this far not knowing what I did not know! For me my business and personal finances have always been intertwined. And then I got excited about what was possible! I’ll never look at or treat my business and finances the same way ever again.”
Eva Gregory
For the ultimate play-book on getting you out of your financial mess and into the lifestyle you envisioned when you first started your business, join our Business Owner Community!
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    Financial and Business Experts 
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  • Legit #NoBullshit Weekly News with MindShifting Money updates and insider conversations with the 4% of business owners who achieve Financial Freedom as a result of their business model.
  • Digital copy of Dr. Tony's Best Seller:
    "How To Cure Money Stress"
  • Digital copy of
    Founding Partners New Book:
    "It's About Time: Finally the Truth About Money"
  • Digital copy of
    Founding Partners New Book:
    "The Truth: The Real Secret to
    Building a Business That Sets You Free."
  • Subscribe for FREE at
(USD) Per Month

    FREE access to Financially Fit Bootcamp Program 
    $997 value
  • Full Access to Exclusive articles for Business Owners Only on
  • Industry Favourite "Escape The Cash Flow 
    Crunch" E-Book
  • Exclusive Access to Interview with Co-Founder Dr Tony Pennells - "How to Invest for Cash Flow: What the wealthy teach their kids"
  • Exclusive Community Success Stories from within the community delivered to your inbox each month to highlight new tips, tools and strategies business owners from around the world are using on their path to Freedom! 
  • Exclusive LIVE Expert Interview's and Tips, coming to you straight from the Business Owner Specialist Panel - Ask questions live about money-management in your business, investing, marketing, product launches, business model and more from our trusted panel of experts!
  • Exclusive Behind-The-Scenes Back Stage Pass: opportunities every month to peek inside and hear examples of business owners from around the world who are experiencing and living a true Freedom Lifestyle, thanks to their business!
  • Exclusive Deep Dive Implementation Guides delivered straight to you inbox each month. These easy step-by-step guides will dive into one of the 3 Phases to Freedom each month and take you away from the Money Stress and Struggle you are experiencing today to thriving with new money habits of the 4% of FREE business owners
  • PLUS
  • The "Freedom Now" Quadrant Tool - For Effective Time Management & Task Allocation
  • EASY EARNINGS eBook: "Simple Tips For Increasing Income Fast and Accelerating You To Freedom"
  • SAVVY SAVINGS eBook: "Simple Tips For Everyday Savings that Accelerate You To Freedom"

  • $3997.00 value
  • A 3-Phase Program 
    (Including 6 online training modules) designed specifically for you, the business owner, to take you from where you are right now (no matter how financially messy that place is) to having consistent Cash Flow and building your personal Financial Freedom, outside of your business.
  • Phase 1 
    In the Crystallize phase you will gain crystal clarity on exactly what your personal Freedom is, what it looks like, and what it will take to achieve it outside of your business, so that it can come to life in the following phases. You will then clearly be able to see which Freedom Business Model is the best fit and exactly what it needs to produce to unlock your personal Financial Freedom.
  • Phase 2
    In the Customize phase you will design (or simply re-design as the case may be for you) the product line for your business model and create a customized and detailed model that outlines your entire system to finally Cure Your Cash Flow today and take you to your future Freedom destination. Proven tools and templates will now be customized at this phase based on the freedom pathway and business model that you have chosen. 
  • Phase 3
    In the Monetize phase you will determine the exact sequencing and timeline for your planned projects and promotions so your team can roll them out in the most effective and efficient way possible for maximum profit, impact, and freedom! You’ll then track the results against your plan, and adjust on the fly until you reach real personal Financial Freedom!
    IN YOUR $49/month (USD)

Sheila Paxton, Founder of Program Certification Formula

"I am really excited that I can now build a plan with Tony and Makaylah and now can draw cash out of the businesses to reduce our reliance on the businesses and build our own Freedom Generator."

Amy Ahlers, The Wake Up Call Coach of Mama Truth Circle
Fia-Lynn Crandall, Intuitive Business Consultant
Join us and start breathing again!
Enjoy unlimited access to tips, tools and systems custom-tailored for Business Owners. Priceless value for just $49 per month.
Create a Business Model that 
actually sets you free - only 
two actually exist
Learn critical wealth building 
tips and secrets that only 4% 
of business owners are using
Create the Freedom and 
lifestyle you envisioned 
when you started your 
Learn how to build your own 
"Freedom Generator" 
outside of your business!
"I Can Breathe Financially" 
"For the last 15 years of being an entrepreneur, my business and I were almost one. At first, that didn’t feel like a problem because I am so love what I do that it fueled me and I was willing to throw all my emotional and financial resources into making it successful. But one day I woke up and realized just how much my business was dependent on my leadership, and how much my family was dependent on my business to maintain our lifestyle. Tony’s program defies the status quo solutions offered to business owners. He cuts to the chase of the difficult conversations we need to be having and offers a roadmap to follow to create the peace of mind we desire. I am so grateful that I can breathe financially knowing that my finances are no longer intertwined with my business. I am grateful that I can give my family the best of me. And most of all, I am grateful I can give myself the best of me.”
Vanessa Horn, Speaker, Author and CEO of Vanessa Horn International
“I came to this course with no savings, no assets, no goals or plans to make a future for myself and was feeling extremely negative about myself." 
"Tony's program is like shining a super-halogen flashlight on the dark spot of your business that no one really likes to look at or fully understands. This light shows you the clear path to achieving true financial independence and time freedom by helping you recognize that true freedom does not come from your business and that your business can never achieve it's core vision and purpose if your finances depend on it. Recognizing the different types of business structures and calculating your true freedom number and the best ways to achieve it has been truly eye-opening and transformational and is something I have not seen taught anywhere else. I highly encourage any and every business owner to study this process and implement it immediately!"
Teddy Garcia, President of is a new, 
web-based community that's shaking things up with its 
no-bullshit, myth-shattering approach to money; inspiring and educating people on a 
"new normal."
Dr. Tony Pennells, Co-Founder of He is the best-selling author of 3 books on finances and has built several businesses recognized by Business Review Weekly as some of the fastest 100 growing companies in Australia. 
A Medical Doctor, Dr.Tony became financially free at 27 years old and was able to leave medicine to focus on being a father and husband to his family. In the time since, he’s built several multi-million dollar businesses, has been married for 22 years to an amazing wife, and is the father to two boys he calls his “champions”.
Makaylah Rogers, Co-Founder, Chief Editor and CEO of She is a Thought Leader for her generation, teaching people how to rewrite the “rules” we’ve been taught about money. With an extensive background in wealth building and personal development, Makaylah’s path has taken her into several executive roles and positions across various fields including launching startups, real estate sales and motivational keynote speaking. 

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