HOT TOPIC How Do You Figure Out What Insurance You Need? If you at least a little bit of thought to what insurance you need, the consequences can take a pretty hefty toll on your path to Financial Freedom. 0 2
HOT TOPIC This is what the 96% are Doing Wrong How much do you think you earn throughout your career? It's probably a lot more than you think, but where does it go? So what are you doing wrong? 0 2
HOT TOPIC What The 4% Know About Financial Freedom That You Don’t What does Financial Freedom mean to YOU? The answer I get when I ask the 96% is very different than the one I get from the 4%. 0 2
HOT TOPIC How to Educate Your Kids About Money The lack of financial education in schools contributes to our overall problems with money, but so does the traditional perspective that a good job equals a secure financial future. 0 2
HOT TOPIC Why You Need to Live Your Life on Purpose When you know what’s important to you, and you have an encouraging support system, you have the power to direct your own life. Make room for what’s important, and you’ll soon find that you’re Living Your Life on Purpose. 2 1
HOT TOPIC How Do You Play The Game Of Money? No matter how hard you work and sacrifice, if you’re not playing the Game of Money, you’ll never be Financially Free. What’s the Game of Money? 0 2
HOT TOPIC Saving is BS… Or Is It? We're surrounded by ads and signage every day that are telling us just how much we are saving on every purchase. But are you really saving anything if you wouldn't have paid the original price in the first place? 2 1
HOT TOPIC Understanding Compound Interest: How It Accelerates Your Freedom If I gave you a choice between receiving a million dollars in cash today, or giving you the option of receiving cent today, and double that amount every day for 30 days, which would you choose? AT first, your gut reaction might be “Of course I’d want a million... 0 0
HOT TOPIC 5 Reasons To Get Rid Of Your Credit Card Today Lots of people struggle with high interest rates and credit card debt, but they’re scared of closing their credit card account. They worry cancelling will ruin their credit score, or that they’ll be unable to live without their card. Because of thi,s they hold onto credit cards they don’t... 2 2