HOT TOPIC Freedom Is A Number: What The Wealthiest People In The World Know Learn what your Freedom Number is, why you need to know it and how you can figure it out. And take a time warp with Makaylah and Dr. Tony as they share the stories of how they determined their Freedom Numbers! 2 1
HOT TOPIC How To Avoid A Post-Holiday Debt Hangover If you've been overspending on holiday cheer, you can't put off the consequences forever. Makaylah has some tips on avoiding the holiday "debt hangover!" 0 0
SPONSORED 3 Steps To Reduce Debt Before The New Year In the spirit of the holidays, Specialist Vikki Morgan outlines three steps you can take now to reduce your debt (and money stress!) before the new year. 0 1
HOT TOPIC Get Your Financial Confidence Back In 5 Easy Steps! One of the most harmful and long-lasting effects of Financial Stress is that it wreaks havoc on your financial confidence. So, what can you do about it? 1 2
HOT TOPIC How To Monetize Your Business To Create Personal Financial Freedom You want to use your business as an acceleration vehicle for your finances, but do you know how to monetize your business? 0 1
HOT TOPIC How Do You Figure Out What Insurance You Need? If you at least a little bit of thought to what insurance you need, the consequences can take a pretty hefty toll on your path to Financial Freedom. 0 2
SPONSORED How I Got $1 Million Dollars In Unpaid Advertising Using My Disruptive Story After a tidal wave destroyed her business, specialist Tanya Targett rebuilt using unpaid advertising. And she can teach you how she did it. 3 1
HOT TOPIC Failure Isn’t Final: How Jay Created Financial Freedom Jay Fiset is a self-described lifelong entrepreneur , but it hasn’t always been smooth sailing. His journey to Financial Freedom has had both achievement and setbacks. But along the way, Jay learned an important lesson he wants to share. 2 0
HOT TOPIC The First Step To Becoming Financially Free There's one question people always ask me about Financial Freedom. It comes up time and time again: “What is the one thing I should do today to create Financial Freedom?” 2 2