HOT TOPIC How Do You Play The Game Of Money? No matter how hard you work and sacrifice, if you’re not playing the Game of Money, you’ll never be Financially Free. What’s the Game of Money? 0 2
HOT TOPIC How To Build Your Freedom Generator The goal is to become free from income you work for! A strategic, cohesive approach to investing that puts money into your pocket rather than taking money out of your pocket can very quickly result in Financial Freedom. Build your Freedom Generator with the end in mind, make sure... 0 2
HOT TOPIC Understanding Compound Interest: How It Accelerates Your Freedom If I gave you a choice between receiving a million dollars in cash today, or giving you the option of receiving cent today, and double that amount every day for 30 days, which would you choose? AT first, your gut reaction might be “Of course I’d want a million... 0 0
HOT TOPIC This Drove My BS Meter into the Red Zone Boy, oh boy! This US election campaign is the exact reason I barely ever read the news. It’s usually BULLSHIT, or a dramatic spin of the truth. It reels you in like bait and keeps you up at night. I know this to be true for me. The one... 0 3