HOT TOPIC 6 Tips To Help You Stop Impulse Spending Lots of people have a problem with impulse spending. It can be difficult to stop the urge to treat yourself once you’ve found something that you love, whether it is an expensive iPhone or a cheap, tasty bar of chocolate. Sometimes people manage to resist their urges and put... 0 1
HOT TOPIC Understanding Compound Interest: How It Accelerates Your Freedom If I gave you a choice between receiving a million dollars in cash today, or giving you the option of receiving cent today, and double that amount every day for 30 days, which would you choose? AT first, your gut reaction might be “Of course I’d want a million... 0 0
HOT TOPIC The Financial Guide to Friendsgiving in America When you can’t make it home for Thanksgiving, throwing (or attending) a Friendsgiving dinner party is the next best thing. The SoFi Financial Guide to Friendsgiving will help you celebrate with close friends without overspending. 0 1
HOT TOPIC 5 Reasons To Get Rid Of Your Credit Card Today Lots of people struggle with high interest rates and credit card debt, but they’re scared of closing their credit card account. They worry cancelling will ruin their credit score, or that they’ll be unable to live without their card. Because of thi,s they hold onto credit cards they don’t... 2 2
SPONSORED 3 Massive Money Mistakes That Keep Even Smart People Stuck Over the last 19 years, I’ve had the privilege of talking to thousands of men and women about their lives and businesses. And the vast majority want to improve their lives and make more money for one main reason… To have FREEDOM. At we teach people about the... 0 1
HOT TOPIC The Secret To Financial Freedom: Investing For Cash Flow At, we’re an online community founded on the principle that people have been brainwashed by money myths and limiting beliefs about money, prosperity and Freedom. That’s why we set out to create a “new normal.” A new way of thinking about money where Financial Freedom is normal. When... 15 7
HOT TOPIC This Drove My BS Meter into the Red Zone Boy, oh boy! This US election campaign is the exact reason I barely ever read the news. It’s usually BULLSHIT, or a dramatic spin of the truth. It reels you in like bait and keeps you up at night. I know this to be true for me. The one... 0 3
HOT TOPIC Calling Bullshit on Financial Fear: Finding Your Truth in Tumultuous Times Throughout the world, many individuals felt gut-wrenching sickness as they watched the United States’ dramatic presidential election take a shocking turn on Wednesday morning. The Media jumped in spreading news like wild fire. Stories of the stock market crashing. Maybe you saw something like this; Dow Jones futures market... 0 2
HOT TOPIC Be Careful Who You Trust After an election where we were told day after day, month after month that Donald Trump had no chance at the White House, Americans are reeling. Who are we supposed to trust? The media, the politicians, and the experts – the source for many of what’s true and right... 0 2