9 Ways To Protect Your Business From Dangerous Employees

We’ve looked at when you need to hire and how to get started hiring the right person to take your business to the next level. And, when you get that pile of résumés, you’ll likely eliminate several prospective candidates purely from their written applications. They lack the required education or don’t have relevant job experience.

So now you’re ready to hire! But is the applicant you see on paper the one you’re actually hiring? Or could you be on the verge of letting an unqualified or even dangerous person into the heart of your company?

Before you make an offer, you have to rule out the candidates that look good on paper but are secretly no good for your company. It’s actually not just a matter of ensuring you have a perfect team but of protecting your business against unsafe people and expensive liability issues. Unbeknownst to you, the candidate you’re considering could have:

  • A largely fictional resume;
  • A dangerous criminal history;
  • An addiction or history of mental instability; and
  • A financial problem that makes him desperate enough to steal from or defraud your company.

Today we’re looking at some critical ways you may want to vet your best applicants to protect your growing business.

1. Confirm Citizenship.

You’ll run afoul of some hairy legal problems if you knowingly hire someone without the proper paperwork or are duped into making the hire. So ask your prospect directly about her citizenship status. Confirm what she’s told you and be prepared to complete paperwork for a hire who’s not a permanent citizen.

2. Pay For Some Official Checks.

If it’s in your budget, take the time to run the allowed credit check and/or a full background check on your prospect. You’ll want to know if he has a history of mismanaging money, a strong motivation for fraud or an undisclosed criminal history.

3. Check Credentials.

If your prospect’s job application cites a college degree, a professional certification, published work or an impressive award, verify her claims. A little Googling or a few phone calls can usually confirm these details or tell you if your applicant is dangerously inflating her qualifications.

4. Do A Personality Assessment.

First, trust your gut. When you’re interviewing a candidate does something seem off? Does your team tell you that your prospect doesn’t seem sharp enough, motivated or excited to be on the team? Then, consider administering a reliable personality test. You may get insight into your hire’s temperament, social skills, emotional maturity and collaborative abilities.

5. Chat Up References.

If you ask your potential hire for a list of references, use it! Pick up the phone to confirm résumé details, clarify past projects and ask about job performance. Be aware that some question areas may be gray or downright illegal.

6. Consider Drug And Alcohol Testing.

If you have an employee whose duties involve operating machinery or working with children, you’ll almost definitely want to spring for routine substance testing. However, you may want to consider testing for employees in a number of roles. The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that employees who abuse drugs or alcohol are far more likely to have workplace injuries or miss days at work than their sober colleagues.

7. Spot A Litigation Nightmare.

If you can, look into whether your employee has a suspicious history of legal action. Does he have a number of past worker’s compensation claims? Has he sued multiple employers? You could be setting yourself up as the defendant in his next inflated or fake lawsuit.

8. Dive Deep.

In some businesses, it’s necessary – or even required – for you to go above and beyond in ensuring that your prospective and current employees are operating on the level. That may mean requiring periodical psychological evaluation and even setting up lie detector tests. Review your industry’s standards and codes to find out which tests may be necessary and how to administer them properly.

9. Keep It Legal.

Always talk with a lawyer before putting an employee vetting process in place. There may be certain checks you’re required to perform in your industry. And there may be tests, questions or procedures that are iffy or even illegal.

Also, if you do dig up some dirt and decide against hiring your candidate, you may be required by law to inform that person of what you found and give her a chance to refute the reports.

image credit: Bigstock/lucasantilli

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