What Will You Be Remembered For?

When the time comes that you are no longer on this planet, what will you be remembered for?

We don’t ask ourselves this very often. But, as Business Owners, the question is important one when considering how much of an impact we make on the world around us.

We’ve talked on Mindshift.money about the importance of planning an exit from your business from the very beginning. Another crucial point here is to plan your impact as well. How will your message survive and thrive without you in the picture?

It’s not about you

We talk to so many Transformation Leaders that, when asked when they plan to stop working tell us, “Never!”

That’s a terrible answer… not because we don’t support your long-term goals, but because working for the entire rest of your life is probably unrealistic. Statistically speaking, you have approximately 25 years of non-working life to support with your working years. And while you may think you want to work until the day you die, that’s likely not possible.

The truth is accidents happen. Disability can occur at any time. You too will grow old. No matter how much you want to, you just can’t be part of your business forever.

So how can you change your current business model so that you become irrelevant? To leave a lasting impact, your business needs to transcend you.

Living outside your business

Another crucial point is to build wealth outside your business. You should not be dependent on your business for income long-term.

Leaders in the transformation industry are unusually susceptible to this type of dependence. Being driven by passion leads them to undervalue the services they offer and treat wealth building as an afterthought.

From a self-full (not self-ish) point of view, how can you build your business so your own oxygen mask is on first? What can you do differently to avoid being a financial drain on future generations?

To leave a lasting impact, your business needs to transcend you.

Building your tribe

We talked last week about giving up seeing your peers as competition. This is going to be crucial going forward. Why? Because you need others to help bring your message to a broader audience than you currently have. It’s time to stop playing small.

Your tribe is what will move you from a local market to a global impact. Key to this is finding a group of like-minded business owners who will come alongside you to do the work.

Dismiss the notion that you’re fighting all alone in the marketplace for your voice to be heard. No lasting movement in the history of the world was ever accomplished by one person acting totally alone.

It’s time to get real

The old model we all have in our minds of the Solopreneur working tirelessly by themselves at a laptop to create a program that reaches millions is dead. If your business is going to have the lasting legacy you want, you need a Mindshift from this outdated way of thinking.

Don’t give in to the arrogance of believing this is all about you. Your business and your message are far bigger than you as an individual. The gift you have to share is important. You’re important. And you have the opportunity and obligation to impact as many people as possible.

The gift you have to share is important. You’re important. And you have the opportunity and obligation to impact as many people as possible.

Leverage the knowledge and experience of the people around you. Create a core group of people you trust that will guide, challenge and encourage you as you take your business to the next level. The world desperately needs what you have to offer. It’s time to get off the fence, and get out there.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of MindShift.money.

image credit: Bigstock/Wayhome Studio

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