Jeanna Gabellini Wants To Make The Path To Making More Money Fun And Easy

When it comes to building a thriving business, you can have all the resources, manpower, and capital you need. But what does it really take to take things to the next level? A shift in mindset.

As Community members, you know how a transformation in your mindset can elevate your business and finances to unprecedented, new heights.

And that’s what business coach Jeanna Gabellini does so masterfully. For two decades Jeanna has been a well-sought-out, hugely successful business coach.

Through her business MasterPeace Coaching, Jeanna has empowered both Legacy and Profit Business owners. How? By giving them the systems, strategies and the mindset makeover they need to significantly boost their profits, create drastically more wealth, and experience more fun, freedom and personal satisfaction.

Mindset makes strategies work, and a sucky money mindset repels clients. Marketing doesn’t get you clients…your Inner Game does.

The key is to have more fun

The heart of Jeanna’s approach isn’t about paying dues, putting your nose to the grindstone and giving blood, sweat and tears to help your enterprise succeed. It’s about “flipping that money switch” and having more F-U-N.

Sure, you might be scratching your head. What about those traditional entrepreneurial stories of sacrifice and struggle that pave the path toward success we are so accustomed to?

And while Jeanna has learned traditional Marketing techniques and strategies, she has discovered that the secret to success is—you guessed it, mindset.

“Mindset makes strategies work, and a sucky money mindset repels clients,” Jeanna explains. “Marketing doesn’t get you clients…your Inner Game does.”

…what I do know is if you’re willing to create relationships with people, people will buy from you.

Business success through relationships

Jeanna is no stranger to entrepreneurship. A serial entrepreneur, she started her first business when she was 20. She decided to hop in on a family venture of creating a Christmas lighting business. Besides managing a retail store, Jeanna had zero business experience — so she was running on pure passion. But somehow, she made a living. Her big takeaway? That businesses are all about relationships.

“I think it’s actually easy to get clients, and everybody makes it sound that it’s so hard,” recalls Jeanna. “There was no internet back then, so we asked ourselves, ‘What’s the easiest way to get clients?’ And we slapped some signs on the side of a truck. We just started small. And what I do know is if you’re willing to create relationships with people, people will buy from you.”

Don’t work harder, just have more fun

Fast forward to a few businesses, and Jeanna found the first love of her life: coaching. She got certified through the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). And in 1996 Jeanna started MasterPeace Coaching. Back in 1998, Jeanna was one of the first and youngest coaches in the world to receive the designation of Master Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation.

Early lessons in her business? That working hard didn’t equal a fat income. After being on the brink of a breakdown, Jeanna discovered a way to stop pushing to get results. In turn, she brought her workweek to only three days. To boot, she found her magic formula to nail a six-figure income. The best part? Her income kept increasing every year.

In the early years of her coaching business Jeanna coached any business owner who had goals and wanted to achieve them quickly.

But after her best friend, Eva Gregory, introduced her to the the Law of Attraction, another love affair began. Jeanna, alongside Eva Gregory, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, co-authored “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life.” Eventually Jeanna whittled down her focus to coaching people in business to leverage the power of intention.

Find the path to fun

To achieve any goal in your business, you’ll need to flip the switch and make it fun and easy, says Jeanna. Because fun will only attract more fun. Doing things you loathe will only lead you to more things you dread doing.

Making things fun became Jeanna’s goal. “How can I make it fun for myself,  and how can I make it fun for the people who are going to be on the other side of whatever I’m serving?” she says. “So my whole goal was: How can I get out of my comfort zone but still have fun?

“For instance, let’s say the goal is to do six-figure launch,” Jeanna continues. “ I’ve never done anything remotely close to that, but it’s a new day, and a new game. We ask ourselves, ‘How can I stretch myself if I want to get like what if I could get like 20 people to promote my launch timeline?’ Well, I actually believe that some 20 people would help promote my launch—but what would be a bigger number?”

I’m just going to have to step into faith and get very innovative. So getting innovative so that keep it fun. Now coming up with new ideas, fresh approaches, games, innovation.

Approach it as an experiment

Other ways to make otherwise daunting business ventures fun? For starters, turn it into a game, get innovative and approach it as an experiment. “How can I make it a game to see how many people will promote me?” says Jeanna. “I’m just going to have to step into faith and get very innovative. So getting innovative so that keep it fun. Now coming up with new ideas, fresh approaches, games, innovation.”

To make things fun for potential clients, Jeanna and her team literally created games. Think Truth or Dare or Spin the Bottle.

Nix negative self-talk

As soon as your give yourself a set goal with a specific number, your brain goes, “How am I going to make that happen?” “A lot of people get nervous,” says Jeanna. “They have an idea of how that could happen, but all of a sudden they start talking themselves down. That’s a negative mindset. That’s not where you want to be.”

Jeanna adds that you don’t get to stop protecting yourself. And instead of thinking of it as a success or failure, consider it an experiment. Experimentation and exploration is what makes it fun. “Let’s throw this stuff on the wall and see if it sticks,” says Jeanna. That way, you’re always learning and making tweaks.

Let go of expectations

For you to shift your mindset, don’t be attached to outcomes, advises Jeanna. If something has to happen in order for them to have relief in their life, they’re coming from that place of lack and scarcity, and fear that X isn’t going to happen. “Money runs from people who need something specific to happen for them,” says Jeanna.

So where does money flow? From fun and passion. “Money flows to the excitement, the thrill of the ride, the people who are unattached,” says Jeanna. “That doesn’t mean that you don’t want it. But be okay with it not happening, not at first.”
It doesn’t have to be hard

“I think a lot of people think that they have an association with a seven-figure business means that it’s going to be a lot of work,” says Jeanna. So I don’t even think a lot of people want a seven-figure business. It seems like a pipe dream or they’re like, oh, I don’t even need that much money. You don’t even know what you need, because you don’t think you can have that yet.

Jeanna adds that it can actually be a lot easier than expected. “We get to create it the way we want,” says Jeanna. “People make up all sorts of stories, beliefs and myths about what it takes to create the kind of money they want and doing a business. They automatically assume there’s going to be some hardship. They’re going to have to endure stress. They’re going to have things they don’t want to do. They just assume they’re going to put up with BS.”

Greater horizons

Jeanna’s newest venture aims to help entrepreneurs on a much larger level. If you’re a Business Owner who feels like they’re not making enough money, are working too hard, or are lost in an overwhelming morass of to-dos, obligations, stacked by the pressure of bringing in more revenue, you’ll want to listen in.

Working with a solid team of experts, Jeanna is in the middle of building a software platform for entrepreneurs to achieve a profitable mindset, come up with a game plan, and have a blast among a community of like-minded, ambitious peers.

The platform will include strategies and ways to shift one’s mindset to build profitable business ventures, daily actions to stay accountable, gamification techniques and a handy app. With plans to launch in June 2019, the MasterPeace Coaching platform is a subscription-based model that starts at $39 a month. Jeanna’s wild-haired intention? To ultimately snag one million subscribers. “If can do it, so I!” she laughs.

She’s currently in the ideation phase and is looking for web and app developers to add to her team. By expanding MasterPeace to a software platform, Jeanna can achieve her goal of being a Lucrative Luminary of sorts: increasing her income while helping Business Owners be successful through personal growth.

Inner game is magic

“Personal growth is fascinating and everything about inner game is magic,” says Jeanna. “Like we have a magic wand in our head that we can turn on, or we toss in the garbage, and forget that we have it in our mindset to make everything we want possible.”

The views and opinions expressed are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of

image credit: Bigstock/yarruta

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