7 Simple Habits Of Money-Smart People

Your habits can either make or break your Financial Freedom journey. If you have a habit of grocery shopping when you’re hungry, you’ll probably exceed your grocery budget every week. But if, like Financially Fit Bootcamp Coach Wendy Priester, you start meal planning and sticking with a grocery list, you’ll be able to save big. Today, Wendy and our other Financially Fit Bootcamp Coaches share the habits that are moving them toward Financial Freedom.

Keep Learning

“The best personal habit I follow to ensure financial success is staying educated. I am continually trying to build my skills to make myself more valuable to the marketplace.”

Larry Malone, Founder, LarryDMalone.com and FinancialTitan.com

Meal Plan To Save On Groceries

“Well, other than the habit I have of checking my accounts once a month, I don’t know if I have any other habits that are particularly interesting. I don’t carry any cards related to any of my other accounts, so there’s no temptation there. I also started planning out my meals a week at a time so I’m less tempted to go out to eat. This has definitely helped not only my bank account but my waistline as well!”

Wendy Priester, Owner, D&L Financial Coaching

Mindset And Accountability

“Some of the most powerful money habits I work with at the moment include:

  • Keeping business and personal separate
  • Considering the value of potential expenditure by asking the question “Does this move me closer to or further away from freedom?”
  • Reminding myself and my husband to honour the agreement we made with regard to Principle #2: Live within your means. This means no dipping into the income bucket when the everyday account runs dry!

Money rituals:

  • Remember that money is energy that ebbs and flows
  • Pay my bills with gratitude for the services rendered
  • Remember that money is only a small part of the full picture of abundance.”

Linda Emslie, Transformation and Wellbeing Specialist, Lovlali

Live Within Your Means


“By living within my means. I used to be very royal with my money but now I always double think before I spend. I got rid of my credit cards as well so that I am living within my means.”

Michael Tandean, Founder, Money Knowledge

Pay Yourself First

“I would like to think now the pay yourself [first] concept would be the main one to ensure financial success. Even though we all know that we need to pay ourselves first and look after our future selves, very few of us actually do it and there is no other program that I have seen that actively promotes this first. So for me that is now the most important concept and one that is easily done by following this program.”

Chris Lee, Wealth Advisor, Wealth Today LTD.

Invest Wisely

“One habit that I have had, that is paused for now to reduce debt, was to allocate some money every month to investments, in particular to stock investments. I have become a fan of index tracking ETF’s for their simplicity and flexibility. I have a spread of index ETF’s that I have been adding funds to each month, both locally and internationally which gives me good exposure to all markets. Over time I am confident that these index tracking ETFs will perform well, providing both cash flow and capital growth to assist the growth of my Freedom Generator.”

Andrew Woodward, Founder, The Investor’s Way

Keep An Open Mind

money advice“The habits and rituals I have and follow personally are ones of human development and gathering Qi (life force) to expand my consciousness to be open to giving and receiving more – being of greater service by helping others also become Financially Free and building a business that is in alignment with the money principles I have learned and implemented that will in turn drive me towards freedom faster. My mind is always open to how can I do this. How can I turn this into an opportunity in all aspects of the game?”

Susan Whelan, Founder, FeelAliveInside.com

image credit: Bigstock/Angkana Kittayachaweng
The views and opinions expressed are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of MindShift.money. Some answers have been edited for length and clarity.

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